First Sight of America

First Sight of America

On the Dolphin Sailing to Wethersfield

Dear Journal,
I have just left the beautiful island of Barbados and am sailing to Wethersfield, Connecticut to live with my Aunt Rachel and my Uncle Mathew. You see, My grandfather died and I had to sell the house, the land, the slaves and all the furniture to pay for my passage. I know life will not be as easy as it was with my grandfather, but how hard could it be, right?

At the House

Dear Journal,
I have arrived at Aunt Rachel's and Uncle Mathew's house. They all welcomed me, except for Mathew. I don't think he likes me. He shouted at me for trying to give Rachel, Judith and Mercy some of my clothes. And they do chores, the work of slaves! It is unbelievable! I am exhausted!

The First Meeting

Dear Journal,

The day of the first Meeting was perhaps the worst day yet. Mathew’s wrath descended on my head, and I had to attend two Meetings. First, my clothes were not acceptable to Mathew, so he shouted at me. Then, I objected to going to Meeting because my grandfather and I seldom attended them, and what an uproar I caused! They informed me that in his household, I would go to Meeting like a God-fearing woman. So we trudged along the long, narrow road to Meeting. And the town! How small it was! It only had a pillory, a whipping post, stocks and the Meeting House.

After the long, monotonous sermon, I saw William Ashby outside. His eyes seemed fixed on me. On the walk home, Judith pointed this out. She also told me that there was a second Meeting that day. Two Meetings! The second sermon was much like the first. It was unbearable! I was so glad when the day was done.


Dear Journal,
William came to call this afternoon, and it was very awkward. We just sat there and he looked at me. I was glad when John Holbrook invited us to talk with the rest of the family and him.

The Meadow

Dear Journal,
Over the past few days, I have been working non-stop. Rachel and Mercy were nice enough to make me a calico dress like Judith’s. Mathew had me in the onion fields weeding, and it was then that I fell in love with the meadow. As soon and I saw it, I was mesmerized. It was a sea of green stretching into the distance, occasionally interrupted by a graceful elm tree. From that moment on, the meadow claimed me and made me their own. It was there that I met Hannah Tupper.

Hannah Tupper

Dear Journal,

I cannot believe it! I was just fired from the Dame School! When I heard the news I went running off into the meadow. While I was there I realized that I was not alone. The "witch" that Judith was telling me about found me weeping and brought me into her house. I like her house. It gives me a funny feeling of comfort and courage. We talked for a bit, and I guess you could call us friends because I really hope I can go back again! But after we talked, I knew what i needed to do. I had suddenly felt bravery inside of me, and it was almost as though the house was magic! I needed that job at the dame school back, and I was certainly not going to give up!


Dear journal,
I am now teaching Prudence, a little girl from town, how to read. She wishes she could go to school, but her mother believes that she is stupid and cannot learn. So I took her down to the meadow and taught her how to read. I also introduced her to Hannah, and now they are good friends. I worry about us getting caught, but we try to stay safe and out of sight.

The Accusations

Dear journal,
People in this town are just cruel! They have accused me of witchcraftjust because I am friends with "the mysterious woman by BlackbirdPond"! How unbelievable is that? They are only scared of herbecause they never even tried to get to know her. And she’s not even awitch. They just think that because she is different. Well here’s what I think; I think that different is good!

End of the Trials

Dear journal,
Prudence and Nat came to my rescue. In the court room, everyone was shouting that I was a witch, which of course isn't true, and Nat came in with Prudence and saved me by showing everyone that she could read and write and that I was not casting spells on her with the writing in the copybook.

Lecture Day

Dear journal,
Today, two marriage intentions were announced! Judith is to marry William Ashby, and Mercy is to marry John Holbrook! The house is so busy I scarcely have time to write this!

The End

Dear journal,

I married Nat and we sailed off on The Witch. And we lived happily ever after.